Sunday, September 11, 2011

Response 5: Education and the Structural Crisis of Capital Article

This article talks about how public schools are more focused on disciplining children then preparing them for the real world. They are less about education and more about "routinization and standardization" as the article states. It argues whether or not this is a good thing.

I completley feel that students should be taught more real life skills. When most young adults graduate high school, they are ususally unprepared for the real world. Most of what public school taught them is stuff that is irrelavant to what the kids are going to be doing as their future career. I feel schools should focus more on getting students prepared for the future, and I feel as though students should be able to kind of choose in high school a choice of classes they feel they would enjoy and that would go with a career path that they have in mind. Many students don't learn anything or don't even bother trying to learn anything because they have absolutley no interest in what is being taught. If they had a choice of what to learn, they would probably try harder and learn more.

1 comment:

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